About Artverses:

What is Artverses ?

Artverses is a marketplace for selling artworks from around the world. We don't sell anything ourselves; we simply enable the sale of your artwork to potential buyers. In the latter case, for someone looking to acquire artwork, we allow them to browse our website and choose an artwork they like.

Artverses aims to support both small and large artists in creating opportunities to sell their own artworks.

How does Artverses work?


You become a seller when you start offering your artworks. You have your own profile that you can customize. Buyers will then see information about you and will be able to contact you and agree with you on the details.

Message system

We are working on that.... You can currently contact the seller via email (send message button at the bottom of the seller's card). You can also use the other contact options that the seller writes in his seller card.


Shipping is to be organized between the seller and the buyer. The seller can state their preferred shipping method under the ad, but they need to reach an agreement with the buyer on further details, such as the address, pickup, and other necessary arrangements.


You become a buyer whenever you find a work of art that you want to buy. You can see the details of the offer and can contact the seller to agree on important details (payment, delivery, etc.)


We are working on that.. Please be careful when paying. Agree on everything with the seller first and verify his information before sending money. We apologize for this complication. Stay safe.

Social Networks

Don't know where to start?

Everyone was once a beginner. We want Artverses to be intuitive and user-friendly, but not everything is always clear at first glance. And rightly so, we are all unique and that makes unique work of art.

Let’s look at a few steps and tips that can help you.


We are actively working on several things to facilitate communication and implement various improvements in Artverses. Thank you for your patience.

We are open to any ideas that will help us improve Artverses. Please let us know your suggestions to enhance the platform.


If you come across any issues or something is not working correctly, please contact us, and we will do our best to help you resolve the problem. Your feedback is important to us, and we are dedicated to working with you to find solutions.

Where to start...

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Did you come across something on our website that you are missing? Do you have an idea how to improve or simplify something?

Any ideas for improvement are appreciated. Artverses is a starting project and we want our site to be user-friendly.

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